product |

R 302 MLP/A – R 302 MLP/A DHHS

R 302 MLP/A – R 302 MLP/A DHHS

Option without Potentiometers and with Filter

Multilayer, square field, motorized collimation system intended for installation on stationary X-ray equipment. This device has been designed and manufactured for skeletal and thoracic investigations.

technical information

Additional information

info tecniche

Maximum Radiation Leakage: 150 kVp – 4 mA
Multilayer Square Field: 0x0 cm to 48×48 cm at 100 cm SID
Minimum Inherent Filtration: 2mm Al equivalent
Variable Filtration Selection (RO 258 or RO 305)
Removal of Potentiometers (RO 574)
White LED
Dimensions: 280x196x206.5 mm
Weight: 9.5 Kg
6 Pairs of Shutters
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